Tuesday 7 October 2014


A delicate little creeper sits snugly along a river bank, watching the cold water flow past, onward forever. There are its tiny roots firm within the warm earth, forever holding on tightly. These roots provide stability, strength and support to the little green life above. it is not the task of the roots to wander away; like they should, they stay in place for the sake of the rest of the organism. One might say they're rigid and strong; and that's their identity. Underground, there's very little to move and slow to grow but it is warm , secure and connected.
Meanwhile, I see a tendril, the frailest part of the creeper. So tender, young, bright and fresh. Delicate and beautiful, this art of Nature. Small and frail it may be, but watch it sway with absolute grace, over the brushing splashes of the cold river, riding over the turbulence, it learns to synchronize, adapt and respond. I see agility, zest, strength, perseverance and energy under the cloak of the tender so frail, little and tender. I see endurance, passion , patience and acceptance, to learn to tumble along even when it is cold rough and turbulent.
There's a wonderful balance struck so right; the roots, ever so strong hold onto the soil and work to survive, while the little tendril up above seeks new life, blazing with passion it sets off to endure the new and undiscovered. The leaves in between, glowing emerald green, some darkening as they age, are the milestones- pride and achievement of the creeper.
And thus together from the root to the tendril a life is complete and whole, every detail, every function necessary for its glorious existence. 

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Big City Life

Big city life
Amidst tall skyscrapers
Outreaching one another.
Of swanky cars,
With seats of leather.

The big city life
Dreams the little man
From all other land.
Enchants the mind,
Its aura so grand.

Oh, big city life
Of  honking slow traffic
And the hurried citizen.
Here rules Ka- Ching;
Forgotten, are masters of Zen.

Dear, big city life
Glittering through the night,
Oblivious you are, to the Stars above.
Blinded forever,
To peace and to love - Poor big city life!

Saturday 11 February 2012

A Stream Of Silver

A stream runs
Not deep but long
Towards far, far away.
Passing through, passing across
Never to stop or stay.

A stream so clear
Glistening and pure
Revealing its path under.
Gliding over both big and small
T'is a tiny crystal wonder.

And flown, it has
For all this time
Through the dark and light.
And seen, it has, many a moons
Glowing in the starry night.

Not one knows
Of its origin
Nor anything of its end.
For it is a stream of tears of
A soul unable to mend.

Tuesday 6 December 2011


Passes each moment
From the Sun to the Moon
A thousand clouds soar past
Shifting shapes over shifting sand dunes.

Passes each moment
Into a Void, never to return.
'Tis ours, a memory to keep
Of a blessing or a curse.

Passes each moment
Places, people and things.
Some lost,
Some held and
Some found.

Saturday 3 December 2011

Through the Black Hole and Back

The curtain is raised
Time for show
All is glossed and shone
Life begins, drama unfolds.

Is it so uncertain?
Is there a new dawn or shall fall the curtain?
Is every day a miracle?
Don't you know, life is a Karmic Circle?
What is left to Destiny?
When actions have caused suicidal tyranny?

A show of class and perfection
Yet lies a gaping hole
Apparently so evanescent
A black hole back to square one.

Is it so uncertain?
Is there a new dawn or shall fall the curtain?
Is every day a miracle?
Don't you know, life is a Karmic Circle?
What is left to Destiny?
When actions have caused suicidal tyranny?

Tainted within, bright outside
Mistakes overlooked, Left to
Crumble and wither
Or a gracious bow at Curtain Fall.

P.S.: This picture belongs to Opacity; refer "The Inspirations" column on the right, Thank You.