Sunday, 18 September 2011


I stand tall on a mountain top
Green is all I see.
There stands a castle dark
Atop a second hill.
With warmth of a young heart
On I walk ahead.

Each step I take fills
Me up with escalating joy
For I see the Blue Lotus
Or is it the Grim's buoy?
Crave as I do for
My prize I reach the Gates.
As its bolts thunder
My gaze widens for what awaits.

Once on the other side I am
I don't believe all I see.
There lies every treasure one
Can ever need.
The smells, colour and sounds
Are all above I know.

And so I lay upon
Grass so soft as snow
In my silver hazy dream 
Of golden rivers that flow.
At an hour dark I seek
What I yearn the most
Coming across my love
Mortified into a ghost.

Rooted to the ground I watch him
Wither away to dust
Screams, tears, sorrow and pain I
Wish I could feel.
But I am benumbed by such Opium
In my fields forevermore.

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